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Past Life Regression


Past Life Regression using Dolores Cannon's QHHT® (Quantum Hypnosis Healing Techniqueâ„ )

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)â„  enables individuals to connect with a deeper aspect of their consciousness, often referred to as the Higher Self, Over Soul, or Super Conscious. Through QHHT®, clients gain profound insights into their lives, helping them understand the reasons behind their experiences and empowering them to make transformative changes.


I am a Level 1 QHHT® practitioner, and am in process of completing Level 2.


A QHHT® session lasts, on average 4 to 5 hours. Usually several lifetimes are visited to gather information relevant to this current lifetime. The session includes three phases: first is the background portion to prepare for the session; second, the past life regression is experienced; and third, a debrief of the session and what was learned.


How QHHT Works

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®) reaches the deepest level of hypnosis possible, the profound Somnambulistic level of trance. This Somnambulistic level is naturally encountered twice daily: just before waking and just before sleeping. In this Somnambulistic level of hypnosis, past life experiences can be accessed. This QHHT® technique uses a unique hypnotic induction process to create a comfortable, safe environment for the client to retrieve past life memories that provide information for this current life.


What Is Past-Life Regression?

Past life regression is a hypnosis technique that takes a person back through their timelines to a significant time -- a time relevant to what is to be learned, accomplished, or resolved in this lifetime. While visiting that significant lifetime, the memories are rediscovered and explored. Often, the lifetimes visited are happy or are neutral emotionally.


Uncover How Your Past Is Affecting Your Present

Even if you've forgotten, your body remembers -- your body knows!!!


Every event, feeling, situation that you’ve seen, felt, and experienced in this life -- as well as all the memories of your previous existences -- reside in your subconscious. These memories are brought to light in your current consciousness during this process.


What May You Encounter in a Past-Life Regression?

The person being regressed unconsciously chooses the destination and the experience to revisit and rediscover. No physical harm comes to you, although you may re-experience the emotions in the situation. Mostly, you will remain a neutral observer, enabling you to learn from this significant lifetime and apply that information in your current life.


Some people discover lives that they have shared with people close to them in their present life. Others are drawn to certain places or countries where they immediately feel comfortable and familiar. Some places visited help resolve medical, emotional, and physical issues experienced in this life. Each life explored is a journey and an adventure for both the subject and the hypnotherapist.


How Past-Life Regression Helps You Resolve Chronic Life Behaviors, Patterns, and Emotional Blocks

Past-life regression has traditionally been used in resolving:

  • Unwanted behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, and patterns that have persisted over time, despite repeated attempts to change.

  • Relationship patterns and dynamics that seem to repeat, such as consistently choosing unhealthy relationships, finding oneself re-engaged in disaffirming relationship patterns, and unexplained deep-seated emotional issues with no known cause.

  • Phobias, which are a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation causing you to avoid it, such as a fear of heights or a fear of water, that seem unconnected to any remembered experience in this life.

  • Fears, which include intense fears, are a distressing negative sensation induced by a perceived threat; a survival mechanism allowing you to recognize the dance and flee from or confront it -- a fear of dogs, for example, because you were bitten as a child.

  • Some chronic physical ailments, sensations, and pains that have an unknown physical cause, such as difficulty walking across large expanses despite being physically fit.

  • Feelings of unworthiness, lack of self-confidence, negative self-talk, reluctance to try new experiences.


Benefits to Past-Life Regression

The benefits to experiencing past-life regression include:

  • Deeper and quicker healing of issues affecting this life.

  • Clear emotional stress, trauma, and physical issues.

  • Resolve feelings of anxiety and depression.

  • Heal troubled relationships.

  • Understand and subsequently change or eliminate unwanted behaviors, patterns, and tendencies.

  • Uncover dormant gifts, talents, and wisdom to use in this life.

  • Unify past-life experiences with this life's emotional, mental, and spiritual lessons.

  • Receive life clarifying guidance and direction -- understand your Sacred Contract and life purpose.

  • Experience inner knowingness and inner peace.


By resolving these chronic patterns, beliefs, and emotions, you:

  • Expand and enhance mental, emotional, and spiritual clarity.

  • Understand and accomplish your Sacred Contract and life lessons.

  • Restore happiness, joy, and balance in your life.

  • Enhance health, wellness, and well-being in this and future lifetimes.

  • Focus on strengths and accomplishments, attracting more of the same in your life.


Many people gain a new vision as to their life's purpose, value, and direction.


To resolve past-life patterns brought over into this lifetime, your subconscious learns from the past significant experiences, both happy and not so happy, and replaces them with positive learning experiences. You are able to reclaim your unique abilities, talents, and gifts from those past lives and bring them forward into this one for both healing and growth.


Uncover Dormant Strengths, Talents, and Gifts to Use in This Life

Uncover Dormant Strengths, Talents, and Gifts To Use in This Life

Bringing forward strengths and accomplishments from prior lifetimes can increase confidence, self-assurance, and effectiveness because:

  • Re-experiencing a happy, successful lifetime; establishes a sense of balance and peace when experiencing difficult times, empowering you to successfully navigate these temporary difficulties

  • Viewing and understanding your Sacred Contract for this lifetime clarifies your direction and the path to achievement.

  • Revisiting prior lifetimes shared with current loved ones, improves relationship clarity, communication, and interaction; you know what worked well and what not so well.

  • Accessing the wisdom, knowledge, and guidance -- in essence, learning from your success --  provides guidance and direction to you in resolving today's challenges.


By understanding your past and bringing that clarifying information into the present, you can find peace, purpose, and direction -- unravel the whys as to what you need to learn and do to complete this life's purpose as an evolving soul.


Your life, your purpose, your Sacred Contract for this lifetime, is enhanced when you have a deeper understanding of the past that has brought you to your life today.


Past-Life Regression Books

My favorite books exploring and documenting past lives and past-life regression are:

  • "Many Lives, Many Masters: The True Story of a Prominent Psychiatrist, " by Brian L. Weiss, M.D.

  • "Same Soul, Many Bodies: Discover the Healing Power of Future Lives Through Progression Therapy," by Brian L. Weiss, M.D. 

  • "You Have Been Here Before," by Edith Fiore, M.D.


Most of the world’s religions include reincarnation as part of their doctrine, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Druze, the Native Americans, and even Judaism.


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