Hypnosis for Hormones
Balance Your Hormones for a Happier Life
Service Description
Are you experiencing any of these issues? Struggle to lose weight, despite exercising and trying various diets Stubborn to shift belly fat around their middle, even if the rest of your body is slim Tired all the time, feeling exhausted through the day Difficulty sleeping PMS, irregular periods, adult acne, or mood swings Brain fog, memory loss and forgetfulness that inhibits your ability to concentrate and work to your fullest If so, the individualized, one-on-one Hypnosis for Hormones program can help you. Hormonal changes affect our weight, metabolism, mood, energy and health. As a weight loss specialist, I see the greatest long term successes amongst those clients who embrace and are committed to making healthier diet and lifestyle choices. For many, reducing the amount of food you are eating and increasing their activity is not enough. This is particularly true for females aged 35 years+ because as we age our hormones start to change. The benefits of this program are far reaching and relevant because it can help you regain control of your weight, energy, mood, and hormones, plus prevent and limit further damage, reducing the risk of future chronic illness. This 4-session program will help you identify: Which hormones are most likely to be o ut of balance and why Which are the 4 biggest hormone disruptors The 4 lifestyle pathways to rebalance their hormones An easy-to-follow plan to rebalance their hormones The programme includes four weekly hypnosis sessions, plu

Contact Details
+001 4086565061
San Leandro, CA, USA